Kapaa Aug 5 to Aug 12

Last Updated: Before 30 days ago

Phone ☎️ (628) 261-2319

Kapaa Aug 5th to 12th

How to get in touch

Text or email the day and time you want to meet up - DO NOT CALLBe ready to send a screening and depositAsk about Doubles with my friend Xarliah


Please send 3 items from this list:

Private Delights screeningSelfie (no sunglasses)Photo i.d. (you can black out your address)Reference from a previous provider


A small deposit of 20% is pre-paid to hold the appointment. The remaining balance is due upon arrival. This is a normal policy for mid-to-high-end companions to protect from no shows and time wasters. Deposits can be made via Cashapp or Amazon gift card. If you wish to use cash only, an Amazon gift card can be purchased from a grocery store or pharmacy. The claim code can them be emailed to me.Appointment will be confirmed after deposit is submitted.


Text or Email only please. DO NOT CALL.When booking, please provide your available days/times. Appointment will be confirmed after deposit is submitted.Please be mindful of body odor, breath, and overall hygiene. Some services may be declined otherwise. However, my shower is available for your use.

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